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Self-Care is a necessity and not an option:

Sometimes, we tend to forget about us; who we are, our well-being, what we are doing and for whom? But more importantly... we tend to forget about our mental health.


If you injure, overworked or damage a limb, I'm guessing you would automatically take care of that limb ~ yes? Maybe by resting or seeking professional help to find out the severity as well as to ensure a rapid recovery. You may need to contact your work place to explain your absence, or ask family and friends for help with some every day chores and activities you're unable to carry out for yourself. But ask yourself... would you do the same if you're suffering with an invisible illness such as anxiety or depression? Unfortunately, most people would say no.


Throughout our lives can we meet people who judge or project their thoughts and issues on to others, making the other person feel bad, inadequate, guilty, shameful or some other negative feeling. Theses negative feelings also produce and feed negative thoughts that can and often do remain deep inside for many years, absorbing and stealing all the precious energy meant for every day living. Eventually, all the energy is used; the mind and body goes into a complete 'breakdown', exhausted and broken. It normally takes most people to get to this stage before they realise they cannot continue living without some sort of self care. When I discuss 'Self-Care' with my clients, many think its a selfish act...


Self-Care ... its not about others and what you can do for them, no. Its about you, and only you. Because once YOU feel stronger and more energised, the more you can do for others without compromising your 'SELF'.

Here are just a few ideas for 'Self-Care'.

Exercise: Walking, swimming or jogging can help relax your mind.

  • Take the time to really look and reflect on your environment.

  • Where are you... physically and mentally?

  • Feel your senses ~ smells, sounds, colours etc.

Breathing: By becoming aware of your breathing can help, especially with anxiety.

  • Breathe in through your nose and out from your mouth.

  • Place your hand on your stomach or chest, feel and count each breath.

  • As you become more aware, close your eyes and slow your breathing down.

Activities: Crafts, music, clubs.

  • Adult colouring in books. There is no right or wrong way to colour in, which means no pressure.

  • Let your emotions flow onto canvas or paper, through art, poetry, doodles or writing a journal.

  • Knitting, crochet or sewing.

  • Yoga, meditation or similar relaxation clubs.

  • Listen to music or take up a musical instrument.

All of the above can help remove negative thoughts, preserve and restore energy levels and give you moments of well deserved peace.

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